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About Belin Bossuet

He’s a current student in Biblical Hebrew and Greek at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies and a member of :” THE PROFESSIONAL WRITER”S ALLIANCE” since 2021. He was born in Haiti and has been living for years in New York, USA. In fact, his background is very interesting in the field of Journalism.

Belin graduated in journalism at the INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATIONS and PUBLIC RELATIONS, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.

He started his journalistic career at “Radio Vision2000 as a French-Haitian Creole (and vice versa) news translator. He also joined Radio Tropic FM as a broadcaster and editor in French and Haitian Creole and became the editorial writer for CHALLENGE MAGAZINE in P-Au-P, Haiti.

Furthermore, being established in Haiti at the time, he worked as a journalist reporter for “EL SIGLO”, a Dominican Newspaper.

Belin earned a diploma in Digital Journalism and multiple certificates related to journalistic studies from the UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÒGICA NACIONAL (NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY), Buenos Aires, Argentina, and also studied Journalistic writing at ESCUELA DE COMUNICACIÓN (ETER) (SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION), Buenos Aires, Argentina and UNIVERSAL CLASS as well, established in the USA.

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He speaks multiple languages, such as French, Haitian Creole, English, Spanish, and a little Italian. He also earned a diploma in Spanish Language and Literature from the UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID (UNIVERSITY COMPLUTENSE OF MADRID, SPAIN; another diploma in Advanced Spanish for Professionals at PENN FOSTER COLLEGE; certificates in Italian and Japanese languages from ROCKINGHAM COMMUNITY COLLEGE, South Carolina, and a diploma to teach French as a Second Language from the NATIONAL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, Ottawa, Canada.

Finally, Belin B T studied Spanish, English, and Medical Terminology as a medical interpreter at the MEDICAL INTERPRETING TRAINING SCHOOL based in the US. And also Spanish for Medical Professionals at Hostos Community College, Bronx, NY. As a result, he worked for Stratus Video as an Over Phone Medical Interpreter for three years from English-French, English-Haitian-Creole, and vice versa, and Cyracom International as an interpreter for two years from English-French, English-Haitian Creole, and vice versa.

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